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Entries in mars saturn (2)


What's happening in Japan?!

I've been writing on facebook this week, since the earthquake, that I've thought there would be more in store for Japan. This is because there have been some major planetary energies joining the picture. At first, and quite importantly, Mars had been running with Saturn on the cardinal axis---or, the world's stage (also = Uranus). At its worst, the energy of Mars Saturn brings interruption and forced separation, sickness and destruction (which we've already seen); and at its best, discipline and endurance.

Saturn, though, is also aligned with Zeus (from now through September) and while Mars was meeting up with Saturn he was also having his dance with Zeus. Zeus is a point that represents explosives, fire, even nuclear threat.... especially with a combination like Mars + Saturn = Uranus (!). Saturn Zeus on its own can symbolize a lack of work (as Zeus = machines), the breakdown of machines (or Unions?), loss from fire, oppression, and so on. For this specific time though, I think these particular combos are/were definitely pointing to major nuclear energy issues and explosions. 



Late last week, as I was considering Uranus' ingress into Aries (which only happens once every 84 years), I was looking on the 90 degree dial---often used for 'event oriented astrology'---and noted this important Mars Saturn issue. The next day, off the coast of Sendai on March 11, 2011, the earthquake happened. Following that, a terribly destructive tsunami. And now some major nuclear issues. There are many astological indicators that we can examine for what has occured. My wish and hope, for now, and in the future, would be for astrologers to align (both amongst themselves and also with leaders in science and government) and utilize the many timing indicators astrology has to offer to prevent further damage and potentially minimize it to begin with.  

From the chart of the earthquake, there were quite literal expressions or indicators of what might follow. One indicator points specifically to issues with radiation. 


Notice at that moment Poseidon was running precisely with the MC. Poseidon can represent spirituality and light---as in enlightenment, and people who are highminded. (Consider how the Japanese are reacting to these catastrophes, with discipline and calm, there has been no looting.) Poseidon however may also be indicating radiation here. 

There are several combinations here that describe an earthquake exactly. Most of them include Uranus, sometimes Zeus or Admetos. Admetos symbolizes the beginning or end of life, things underground or coming from the ground, and raw beginnings. 

One combo: Sun + Uranus - Aries = Sun (which is the timer for the "day")

Another is: Uranus + Zeus - Hades = Moon  (which is the timer for the "hour")

A third: Aries + Zeus - Admetos = AS/Mercury (which is the "minute")

And finally (and powerfully): Uranus + Admetos = Admetos (+ Jupiter)

This last combination is frightenly descriptive. Afred Witte's "Rules for Planetary Pictures" states:

"Sudden rupture-like separation. Shock commotion. Destruction through convulsion. Earthquake..".


I don't know exactly what to say or do in the midst of watching events like this transpire and witnessing so much difficulty, but it will pass. And I hope the energy of that Mars Saturn will compel people to do what's right and act with integrity, strength, and fortitude.

My personal hope is that astrology will be taken more seriously in the world; utilized for, or used to prevent or minimize damage in events like this. We could be participating in changing the way we help and serve people all over the planet.  



Equinox is right around the corner, but first...

What the heck is going on? 

A lot

A lot around the world and a lot astrologically. Of course the two are the same. That is the point. Especially when you focus on the Cardinal Axis - also known as the solstice points - the cardinal axis is the world's stage.



So what is up?

Uranus makes its ingress into Aries tomorrow. Which means it is very directly on the cardinal axis now. Recently the nodes and Mercury have been involved---causing stormy weather most likely, and a lot of excitement in the news and communication generally. The Sun and Jupiter are involved today (so things kinda feel ok, good even, under the circumstances). But Jupiter is also good at expanding and enlarging things, making things bigger.  From now through the weekend the energy will be Mars and Saturn, aligning on the axis and pointed at Uranus---which might not feel so good. In fact, Mars Saturn can be quite a tough combo to deal with, as it is sometimes associated with harmful or destructive energy. However, it can also give endurance. If we stay in reality, and do the hard work, Mars Saturn can pay off in spades.  

It is typical, as the days go by, that things come into and go out of alignment on the cardinal axis, world's stage, and we witness and experience their effects. But it isn't everyday that Uranus is sitting right there too---in fact, that only happens roughly every 20 years (when it moves from the end of a mutable sign into the beginning of a cardinal sign). And it takes Uranus 84 years to move through all of the signs---which means it hasn't made an entrance into Aries since the late 1920's!

So with Uranus on the Aries point, it also becomes the midpoint of each of these energies as they align on the world's stage. Sorry if I sound repetitive here, but having Uranus as the midpoint of all these changing energies tends to make everything a little (or a lot) more exciting. Uranus rules innovation, surprises, sudden events, accidents, wildness, wierdness, non-conformity, breakthroughs (or breakdowns), and a lot more...  

It's kind of like everything has been plugged into a live outlet. 

Lets hope the "extraordinariness and unusualness" of this time equates to our having amazing fortitude under whatever stressful circumstances we come to face.

Use the time as wisely as you do wildly.  

And, Please be safe.