When the Moon is Void
When is the Moon really void of course?
Many Western tropical astrologers consider the Moon to be void when she's made her final Ptolemic aspect (conjunction, sextile, square, trine, opposition) to any planet from the sign she's currently moving through. Most Western astrologers use the outer planets as well (Uranus, Neptune, Pluto).
Many Traditional astrologers don't consider the Moon void if she is in an applying aspect to a planet within 13 degrees. Some others even extend this out to 30 degrees! Traditional astrologers also don't use the outer planets when taking something like void of course into consideration. Though some may use outer planets for character delineation or for other reasons.
If you're a modern Western astrologer, I encourage you to experiment with your astrological practice, and use only the traditional seven "visible" planets for a time - Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn. See what this experiment does to your practice. You'll likely find it enhances it!
If the Moon is void take some time to meditate. Of course mediation, even if only for 15 to 20 minutes, is good for everyone, but these void periods are especially nice for retreat and contemplation.
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