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Entries in aries point (4)


The Power of Antiscia Video Lecture

The complete audio lecture and slideshow of the talk I gave at the United Astrology Conferenece in May 2012 is available. On this day, the transiting Sun and transiting Mercury were actually in precise antiscia to my own natal Sun and Mercury! 

The talk outlines what antiscia is, as well as why and how to use it. A brief historical context is given, in addition to its application to modern musicians, comics, and politician charts.


If you'd like to comment or ask questions, please do so below. 
Or you can email me privately at kate(at)kate-petty.com  





personal points on the cardinal axis

Abe   ... As in Abraham Lincoln ...

Abe is the example I will use to illuminate the power of Personal Points on the cardinal axis. But first, a quick description of the personal points and cardinal axis.

In Uranian Astrology (aka Symmetrical Astrology) personal points are a big deal. The six personal points are the Sun, Moon, Node(s), Midheaven (MC), Ascendant (AS), and Aries point (meaning zero degrees of any cardinal sign -- Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn).  

Through the personal points we connect to things. Through the Sun we connect via our will, purpose, body; through the Moon it is with our feelings, emotions, and perception. The Ascendant connects us to our locale, our immediate environment. Through the MC we find our sense of "I" or "my," our soul connectedness. It is the place within, from which we look up and out. In a way, I like to think of the MC as connecting us to spirit. The Nodes are all about connections or unions by themselves, showing us how and with whom we'll connect. And finally the Aries point, which is both the cardinal axis and the intersection of the two great circles of the Ecliptic and the Equator, is the way in which everyone and everything connects in and to the world. The Aries point is the personal point we all share. 

My teacher Gary Christen would say a person who has personal points on the cardinal axis is going to be very visible and known in the world. You will see that Abraham Lincoln serves as a great example of this.

What does it mean (technically) to have personal points on the cardinal axis? When we say a person has points on the axis we are not limited to their having points directly at 0 degree cardinals, though that works too. We are interested in whether there are points "wrapping around" the axis as well. This is called antiscia: when points fall on either side of 0 degrees cardinal in perfect symmetry. 

Note: Zero degrees Cancer/Capricorn are the Solstice Points. 

Second Note: Antiscia, sometimes referred to as Solstice Points, have been used for a very long time. Hellenistic authors refer to them not infrequently. 


As an example, in the chart for today, we see that Mars resides at less than 1 degree Cancer. This means that Mars sits directly on the cardinal axis. 








But in the chart for the the Summer Solstice, June 21, 2011, we see several other points are antiscia to one another on the cardinal axis.



Here we find Node Pluto are anitscia, and also Jupiter Ascendant (Note: AS is only relevant in the immediate locale, here in Seattle. Lucky us.) Node Pluto would be indicative of transformative and powerful connections, changing connections, possibly concealed or subversive connections, and likely major power struggles. 


Back to Abe. 

Let's first check out his chart on the classic pie wheel.


We notice right away the strong angular Sun in Aquarius and the Moon residing in Capricorn. I find Saturn at the top of the chart (with Neptune) a very interesting feature, as it resides in the famous Gauquelin sector. Isn't Saturn so very appropriate for Lincoln? From his stature, to issues with melancholy, his reflective nature, his social commitment and responsibilities... And it is Saturn, of course, that disposits both the Sun and the Moon. I also find it quite fascinating that all of the 5 innermost planets, Sun through Mars, are in detriment! Just one planet, Jupiter, is in its own domicle.  

Next let's look at the chart on the 360 degree wheel. 



Look at those personal points! 

At first glance we see 4 of the 5 personal points sitting on the axis. The Sun lies antiscia to the Node, general connections in the public, to reach out and make contact, meetings with others. The Moon lies antiscia to Saturn, connecting with laboring and suppressed people, work with the public (moon), also feeling inhibited, somber or lonely. And the Ascendant to Node, connections with many in one's environment, many acquaintances, a kind of group identity.

Upon closer examination however, if you note where that tiny black dot is by the MC, the fifth and final point, the MC, is actually pulled in by 22.5 degrees. 


This is easier to see on the 90 degree wheel.


What this means is that President Lincoln has every single one of his personal points on the cardinal axis.

We can most definitely say he is a man known in the world.




To conclude, I find it personally interesting that upon writing this post his Node is coming due to his Sun by solar arc.

Is he connecting with the world again?   



The chart (moment) (person) lives on....



midpoints 101

The midpoint between two planets can be an intense spot; especially when another planet (or planets) or other sensitive point, like an angle, is located there. This is relevant in both personal and mundane "world event" astrology. A point like this, with two or more planets situated around it, tells us a story. And in every midpoint story, like all things in a chart, there is the potential for a higher or lower expression. If the planets involved are known to be notoriously more challenging, for example a combination involving Saturn and Pluto, then it is up to us to direct that energy into an expression that we are satisfied with. Just as there really are no good or bad planets, there are not simply good or bad midpoints. Again, we could take as an example a midpoint that at first glance is typically considered to be quite pleasant say between Sun and Jupiter or Sun and Venus, symbolizing joy and enthusiasm, harmony and cooperation, and understand that it could devolve into arrogance, over-indulgence or superficiality quite easily without our attention or care. 

Let's look at a combination in the sky right now: 



See the arrow pointed to the Aries Point (the "world's stage"), there you also find Venus and Uranus. Wrapped around Venus|Uranus, at equal openings, are the Sun on one side and Neptune on the other. What we are looking at is a symmetrical arrangement of Venus and Uranus at the midpoint of the Sun and Neptune, or Sun|Neptune = Venus|Uranus = Aries

This combination will be in effect through the weekend and will continue to be very strong through Tuesday, April 26, 2011. 

Keywords we could use to describe Sun|Neptune are: 

Vitality or expression (Sun) is affected or altered by psychic or imaginative influences (Neptune). Heightened sensitivity, receptiveness and impressionability; or potential weakness due to Neptune's dissolving quality. People's motivations become more idealistic or there could be an unrealistic, nebulous quality to them. Visions, mysticism and dreams influence individual or collective perception; or escaping reality through daydreams becomes more rampant. It is time to cultivate a more soulful inner life -- or else be prone to greater self-deception and disappointment. 

Keywords for Venus|Uranus include: 

Eccentricity or breakthroughs (Uranus) made in artistic expression or relationships (Venus). An interesting rhythm. Nervousness around, or quick decisions made with regard to, others. The love of unusual things or people. The love of astrology, science and technology. Innovative or inconstant and disruptive expressions of talents and/or love. 

When we combine and consider these midpoints together, having an effect on the collective (via the Aries Point), we come up with a number of interesting scenarios that could play out in several different ways. It is important to note that its effect will be felt by all; however those who have personal points interacting with the planets mentioned, or in early degrees of the cardinal signs (or in antiscia on the cardinal axis), will feel it more acutely. 

In considering the keywords offered, how might we imagine the expression of Sun|Neptune = Venus|Uranus = Aries

"Dreaming of living in beauty, wealth, comfort, and luxury... delights in mental escape from life. Visualization and dreaming about astrology... indifference toward life or others while you inwardly escape." -Munkasey

"Reserve in love... disappointments, aberrations in love. Sudden upsets or excitements... inner or emotional crisis, mourning." -Ebertin


The time is ripe for artistic innovation and invention particularly via visualizations, in meditation, or upon waking. Pay close attention to your dreams, especially if you work in a creative field. Remain open to inspiration, but don't lose yourself entirely in fantasy. Use discernment while you collect and harness that which comes in. And know that everyone is feeling more sensitive at this time, so try to be more compassionate versus reacting quickly or disruptively to a difficult or confusing situation. 

Use the time to explore new ideas, new mediums, or concepts if you're an artist, musician or writer. Or focus the energies into visualizing the relationships you want in your life, whether new or old, it is a good time to explore new territory, break new ground, make changes...  Just don't get lost in a dream. 




Equinox is right around the corner, but first...

What the heck is going on? 

A lot

A lot around the world and a lot astrologically. Of course the two are the same. That is the point. Especially when you focus on the Cardinal Axis - also known as the solstice points - the cardinal axis is the world's stage.



So what is up?

Uranus makes its ingress into Aries tomorrow. Which means it is very directly on the cardinal axis now. Recently the nodes and Mercury have been involved---causing stormy weather most likely, and a lot of excitement in the news and communication generally. The Sun and Jupiter are involved today (so things kinda feel ok, good even, under the circumstances). But Jupiter is also good at expanding and enlarging things, making things bigger.  From now through the weekend the energy will be Mars and Saturn, aligning on the axis and pointed at Uranus---which might not feel so good. In fact, Mars Saturn can be quite a tough combo to deal with, as it is sometimes associated with harmful or destructive energy. However, it can also give endurance. If we stay in reality, and do the hard work, Mars Saturn can pay off in spades.  

It is typical, as the days go by, that things come into and go out of alignment on the cardinal axis, world's stage, and we witness and experience their effects. But it isn't everyday that Uranus is sitting right there too---in fact, that only happens roughly every 20 years (when it moves from the end of a mutable sign into the beginning of a cardinal sign). And it takes Uranus 84 years to move through all of the signs---which means it hasn't made an entrance into Aries since the late 1920's!

So with Uranus on the Aries point, it also becomes the midpoint of each of these energies as they align on the world's stage. Sorry if I sound repetitive here, but having Uranus as the midpoint of all these changing energies tends to make everything a little (or a lot) more exciting. Uranus rules innovation, surprises, sudden events, accidents, wildness, wierdness, non-conformity, breakthroughs (or breakdowns), and a lot more...  

It's kind of like everything has been plugged into a live outlet. 

Lets hope the "extraordinariness and unusualness" of this time equates to our having amazing fortitude under whatever stressful circumstances we come to face.

Use the time as wisely as you do wildly.  

And, Please be safe.



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