Antiscia are reflections or shadow points arranged symmetrically around zero degrees of any of the four Cardinal signs - Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn. Antiscia and contra-antiscia have been noted and utilized by astrologers since at least the 4th century; Julius Firmicus Maternus mentions antiscia in his Mathesis. Because these arrangements fall around the Cardinal axis, and all life on earth moves in sync with and is affected by seasonal change, planets in antiscia and contra-antiscia are thought to manifest powerfully in the world.
To use the list below, simply blend the meanings of the planets in combination. Bold dates indicate a day of strongest expression. Dates showing only one planet indicate its ingress into a Cardinal sign (or 15 degree Fixed) i.e. it is sitting directly on the Cardinal axis and so should feature prominently that day. Those marked with an asterisk are antiscia formed around the midpoint of two Cardinal signs which is always at 15 degrees Fixed. Those with a (c) indicate contra-antiscia, a symmetrical arrangement around the Aries/Libra axis.
January 2012
1st – Venus *
1st–20th – Jupiter|Neptune (c)
2nd, 3rd – Mercury|Pluto
7th – Mercury|Uranus *
7th, 8th – Mercury
10th, 11th, 12th, 13th – Mars|Pluto *
12th, 13th – Venus|Jupiter (c)
13th – Mercury|Mars
14th, 15th – Venus|Saturn
16th – Sun|Venus *
20th – Sun|Neptune *
21st – Mercury|Venus *
25th, 26th, 27th, 28th, 29th, 30th, 31st – Saturn|Neptune
27th – Mercury|Neptune *
31st – Venus|Pluto *
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